
I have abandonment issues also

“Take love for example:
People are doomed to repeat situations until they accept them.
Once they love the very thing they reject, they are free to move forward. They are capable of moving forward as well. In most cases, they either know deeply how to move forward and in the rest, they know what to do in order to at least learn.”

What I did in 2019 (Review)

I would take this first newsletter to share with you some stuff that happened to me last year.

I didn’t realise that last year for me was going to be a big one.

So, the year started out with one of my best friends becoming single. He was the guy that I had started to learn about dating an relationships with, except I got sucked into it like a mad man reading his way through a library. He, on the other hand, was just out of a relationship and wanted to play the field a little bit.



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