How to Heal Self Doubt
Heal Yourself and Heal Self-Doubt is through emotional surrender. Once you’ve processed it, you can handle it and be free from it. Nothing less will do.
Heal Yourself and Heal Self-Doubt is through emotional surrender. Once you’ve processed it, you can handle it and be free from it. Nothing less will do.
Brand New Melbourne healing workshops coming soon. Tune in and heal a wide variety of aspets of your life, from self esteem to relationships.
If you’ve ever dull or dulled yourself to keep yourself small, often that is an intense attribute of self sabotage. Keeping you safe but small.
In this video we discuss the dual state of emotions. The two modes in which emotions exist and how one is a stuck energy and the other is healed.
how to get over your fears and turn them into superpowers! This video for you! It is super important to learn that emotions have a flip side.
This can be a hard thing to ask, and a hard thing to tell yourself. What if you’re the toxic one in the relationship? What if you’re the one hurting them?
If we want to learn how to judge ourselves less, we must learn how to judge others less as well. This video is a great example of a couple situations.
Ever wonder why we hold ourselves back in life? This is an insight into that very process. The desire we are missing out on is the desire to desire itself.
This video talks about how attraction is an energy and how it reflects who and what we are. This energy is translated through how we look, but not limited to that.
Here we have a moment in my life where I had a wake up call. Where I observed a man in his car eating food in a way that I have done many times before.
Sharam Namdarian. Heal Yourself. Self actualise your life through emotional healing and surrender. Sharam Namdarian is a life coach, relationship coach and deep emotional healer. Heal and remove the blocks the blocks that stop you from being yourself in the world. Heal anxiety, depression, self hate, blocks towards health, love, better intimacy, social skills, confidence, self love and career. You can start now without any requirements, because emotional healing is for everybody.
Important Note: I have personally coached hundreds of people world wide, but if there is one big piece of advice I have to say it is this: “None of this will work, unless you do.” That being said, the advice and programs I give is tailored for the best results, but since everybody’s situation is unique and different sometimes no single piece of advice can work for everybody ever single time. What does happen is it allows you to develop a new sense of awareness for dating and relationships that is incredible. So if you read some articles, watch some videos and start to continually apply it in your life, your chances for success in life and love will increase dramatically. oh… and I am here on your team to help you along the way!
Heal yourself and create the life you deserve now.